Pate de Campagne or Country Terrine is served across France makes a great lunch, it is usually served with gerkins.
Place the lean pork, pork belly, chicken livers and streaky bacon in a food processor and roughly chop into small pieces.
Put the diced meat in a large bowl and add the sea salt, pepper, nutmeg, juniper berries and brandy. Mix carefully and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 6 hours or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Lightly butter a 20 x 7 x 9 cm terrine or loaf tin.
Add the shallots and egg to the marinated meat and carefully mix together.
Put a sprig of bay leaves in the base of the terrine and then line with the rashers of bacon, leaving enough hanging over the sides to cover the top. Spoon the filling into the terrine and fold the ends of the bacon over the top. Cover the top with a layer of well-greased baking paper and then wrap the whole terrine in a layer of foil.
Place the terrine in a large baking dish and pour water into the baking dish to come halfway up the sides of the terrine. Bake in this bain-marie for one and a half hours, or until the pate is shrinking away from the sides of the terrine.
Lift the terrine out of the bain-marie and leave the pate to cool, still wrapped in the paper and foil. Once cold, drain off the excess juices and refrigerate for up to a week. You may find that a little moisture has escaped from the pate, this is quite normal and prevents it from drying out. Run a knife around the inside of the terrine to loosen the pate and then turn out onto a board and serve in slices.